PNG UNRE to offer a Para Veterinary course

Mr. Sinafa Robby drawing blood from the jugular vein of a goat. PNG UNRE will soon offer a Certificate in the Fundamentals of Para Veterinary Technology as a strategic response to the recent global and national outbreak of animal and zoonotic diseases. The course will be delivered during the University’s Centre for Self Education (CFSE) Taubar Session. UNRE Vice-Chancellor Professor Aisak Pue said the program will be delivered over 12 weeks using a modular block approach during the 2020/21 Taubar Session at the University beginning November 23rd 2020. He explained that given the dire need for specialist training in addressing these biosecurity threats to the nation, this program is the University’s contribution to training appropriately skilled and competent animal health specialists in this high-risk sector. He said the initial needs assessment for the development of this program is directly from the PNG National Food Security Policy 2018 -2027. The first two Priority...