UNRE launches Cocoa and Goat Integration Manual

NARI Kerevat Research Leader Godfrey Hannet launches the new Goat training manual as Acting PVC Academic & Research Peter Navus (right) looks on. PNG University of Natural Resources and Environment through its farmer training centre has launched the Cocoa and Goat Integration Training Manual and opened a Goat Breeding Centre. The event, which was held last month was attended by university staff; representatives from NARI, NAQIA and PNG Cocoa Board; James Butubu Area Manager ACIAR Bougainville; and acting Pro Vice Chancellor Academic and Research Mr Peter Navus. Speaking on behalf of the University, Mr Navus thanked the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) for having confidence in UNRE as one of its partners, the University Farmer Training Centre, Kairak Centre for Sustainable Rural Development (KCfSRD) for the implementation of the project objectives and the other collaborating partners. Mr Navus is confident that the Centre has achieved its object...