Popondetta staff call on Government to return institution to PNG UNRE

Acting Director of the Popondetta institution, Cletus Tepaiyan (second left) and the team that accompanied him to East New Britain. STAFF of the University’s former Popondetta Campus are calling on the National Government to bring the campus back under PNG UNRE. A team from the campus led by acting director Cletus Tepaiyan were at Vudal this month to meet with the UNRE Administration. Mr Tepaiyan said the campus had contributed immensely to the Agriculture sector and would continue to do so if the Government reconsidered its 2014 decision to make it an autonomous higher education training institute, and return the institution to PNG UNRE. The July 2014 decision of the National Executive Council had effectively removed the Popondetta college from PNG UNRE and placed it under the Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology as an independent institution. It was named Eastern Papua Institute of Agriculture and Technology and was to offer tertiary level trai...