UNRE takes back UNRE Popondetta

Oro Provincial Administration staff with UNRE officers. PNG University of Natural Resources and Environment will resume offering its Academic Programs at PNG UNRE Popondetta Campus in Oro Province next year (2021). This follows a decision by the Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (DHERST). Last week UNRE Chancellor Professor Kenneth Sumbuk and acting Pro-Vice-Chancellor Planning and Development Dr Francis Essacu, with senior staff from UNRE Popondetta Campus met with Oro Provincial Administrator Trevor Magei and executive members from the Office of Governor Garry Juffa to discuss the latest development of Popondetta Campus. In a recent interview, Dr Essacu said that a team of staff members from UNRE main Campus and Chancellor Professor Sumbuk visited the campus to see the facilities as well as to hold discussions with the Provincial Government and Popondetta campus staff on the DHERST decision. He explained that DHERST had made a decision for UNRE to ...